Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington (ALTCEW) is a social service agency that helps older adults and people living with disabilities stay in their homes. ALTCEW provides case management for people who need a caregiver, caregiver training, and answers to questions about Medicare and Medicaid.
The mission of ALTCEW is to promote well-being, independence, dignity, and choice for all older persons and individuals needing long term care.
This mission cannot be completed alone, so ALTCEW works with local partners in the community to provide services such as home delivered meals, family caregiver support, transportation and information. Through community partners, ALTCEW provides funding for services to older adults and individuals living with a disability in the five-county area.
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Alzheimer's Association
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American Cancer Society
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American Red Cross
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Corbin Senior Activity Center
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Greater Spokane County Meals on Wheels
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Lutheran Community Services NW
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Mid-City Concern/
Meals on Wheels
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RSVP Project Warm-Up
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Southside Senior & Community Center
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Spokane County
Library District
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Women & Children's Free Restaurant
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Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington
Volunteering at ALTCEW
*NEW* MOB-V Navigator (Technical Support Specialist)
REMOTE. Provides technical training and support to assist clients of A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls (MOB). Clients include program participants (age 60+), other ALTCEW MOB-V volunteers, and ALTCEW falls prevention staff. Assist with tech devices, internet connectivity, and the Zoom platform in order for clients to attend and interact effectively in virtual MOB-V sessions online.
MOB/MOB-V is an evidence-based falls prevention program offered free to older adults in the ALTCEW service area (and nationwide). Each MOB-V class consist of 9 sessions, 2 hours each (plus pre-/post-session time for visiting), delivered either weekly for 9 weeks or twice a week over 5 weeks. Classes are scheduled between 9 am and 5 pm, M-F.
This volunteer position is online and is currently providing service in the greater Spokane area.
Check and Connect
REMOTE. Volunteers provide regularly scheduled phone calls to older adults and adults with disabilities who are isolated due to the pandemic.
Assist the aging population and adults with disabilities with regular phone calls to reduce isolation and stress.
Volunteer remotely - only a cell phone and computer are needed!
Determine the hours you work.
Help keep our community connected during COVID quarantine mandates!
NOTE: This position requires a criminal background check and completion of ALTCEW volunteer application.
For more information, contact Jessica Lehman at or (509) 960-7281.
Matter of Balance Coach
REMOTE/IN-PERSON. Chances are you know someone who has fallen or who is afraid of falling. A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls is a proven program designed to help people manage concerns about falls and increase physical activity. Aging & Long Term Care of Eastern Washington is looking for volunteers to help provide this program.
A Matter of Balance coaches need good communication and interpersonal skills, enthusiasm, dependability and a willingness to lead small groups of older adults. Coaches also need to be able to lead low- to moderate-level exercise. Pairs of trained coaches with the support of a master trainer lead A Matter of Balance classes. Coaches receive 8 hours of training and commit to two classes, which will require some individually-determined preparation time.
Each A Matter of Balance class is conducted in 8 two-hour sessions and uses group discussion, problem-solving strategies, videos and gentle physical exercise. Older adults learn positive coping methods to reduce fear of falling and remain active and independent.
Want to Become a Coach?
For more information, including dates and times of upcoming sessions, please contact ALTCEW at or (509) 458-2509 ext. 217